Mob. No:-           9495513867        


Date of Birth:-    01-01-1970         

Date of Ordination:-        02-04-1997

  1. Asst. Parish Priest, St Joseph’s Church , Meppadi 1997-98
  2. Professor, St Joseph’s Seminary , Mangalore 1998-2001
  3. Parish Priest, Lourda Matha, Pallikunnu 2001
  4. Studies in Rome 2001- 05
  5. Parochial Administrator, St Patrik’s, Kallai 2005 – 06
  6. Professor, St Joseph’s Seminary , Mangalore 2006-15
  7. Chancellor, Diocese of Calicut 2009-2012
  8. Parish Priest, St Theresa’s Shrine, Mahe 2015-
  9. Associate Judicial Vicar 2006-2012
  10. Judicial Vicar 2012

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